Imagine millions of depressed Americans getting their brain activity measured and undergoing blood tests to determine which antidepressant would work
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Counseling and Therapy
Sometimes it can be hard to cope with all of the changes that happen during your teenage years. If you’re
Continue reading »MDMA opens door for PTSD patients to work through trauma
When lasting trauma is caused by callous acts of violence, the key to recovery can be making meaning out of
Continue reading »For older adults, a better diet may prevent brain shrinkage
People who eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, nuts and fish may have bigger brains, according to a study
Continue reading »Long legs turn women’s heads, arm length immaterial: study
Labouring over the age-old question “What do women look for in men?”, scientists added an item to the list Wednesday:
Continue reading »Attentive adults increase children’s ability to empathise
For human beings to function socially, they need to be able to perceive, understand, and talk about others’ mental states,
Continue reading »Cervical Cancer Survivor Erin Andrews Urges Women to Check In with Their Doctor: 'Stop with the Excuses'
Cervical cancer survivor Erin Andrews is taking a stand. Recently partnering with Hologic, an innovative medical technology company primarily focused
Continue reading »Identifying PTSD could be affected under proposed changes to global diagnostic tool
Fewer individuals across the globe would be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) under proposed changes to the most widely
Continue reading »Congo approves use of experimental Ebola vaccine, WHO says
The Director-General of the World Health Organization says Congo officials have agreed to use an experimental Ebola vaccine. Tedros Adhanom
Continue reading »Researchers find clues to treating psychoses in mental health patients
Psychotic disorders often are severe and involve extreme symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations in which people lose their sense
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