Antimicrobial therapy targeting specific cells in the immune system could prevent sepsis and life-threatening disease in people suffering from pneumonia,
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Better quality of life and cancer patients’ satisfaction with a coordinating nurse
Investing in the continuity of care for lung cancer patients can bring tremendous benefits in terms of patient satisfaction and
Continue reading »Depression negatively impacts heart and stroke patients
Depression, even when undiagnosed, can have many negative effects on cardiovascular patients, including poor healthcare experiences, more use of healthcare
Continue reading »‘Aggressive’ new advance directive would let dementia patients refuse food
Treading into ethically and legally uncertain territory, a New York end-of-life agency has approved a new document that lets people
Continue reading »Doctors should consider using e-cigarettes to help patients who have repeatedly failed to quit tobacco, a new study says
Growing evidence of the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a quitting aid means doctors should consider recommending them as a less
Continue reading »Neurocognitive risk may begin before treatment for young leukemia patients
Leukemia itself, not just side effects related to its treatment, may increase the risk for long-term problems with attention, organization
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