The growing demand for children to get involved in organized activities outside of school is placing unprecedented strain upon families.
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Your body might thank you for a glass of red… says DR MICHAEL MOSLEY
Your body might thank you for that (one) glass of red… says DR MICHAEL MOSLEY as new study reveals it
Continue reading »How does alcohol affect your sleep?
The negative health consequences of alcohol are numerous. From more alarming outcomes such as cancer to more “cosmetic” inconveniences such
Continue reading »Looking good? Your brain might be playing tricks on you
Your brain can make a psychological illusion with your body image, making you think you are a bit thinner or
Continue reading »Want to eat better? Train yourself to change your tastes
We all love delicious foods, even if we know they may not be good for us. Foods high in energy
Continue reading »How to check your unconscious biases
Diversity expert Howard Ross recounted a time when he dismissed a fellow air traveller—bearded, heavy-set, flannel-shirted and with a car
Continue reading »A bit of dark chocolate might sweeten your vision
It may not replace prescription glasses, but a few bites of dark chocolate might offer a slight and temporary bump
Continue reading »Watch your step: How vision leads locomotion
Using new technologies to track how vision guides foot placement, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin come one
Continue reading »Growing evidence that probiotics are good for your liver
Increased awareness of the importance of the microbes that live in our gut has spurred a great deal of research
Continue reading »What really happens to your brain before you get your period
Pre-menstrual syndrome (or PMS) has come to describe a swag of unpleasant symptoms including mood swings, fatigue, forgetfulness and anxiety,
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