Since the 2016 U.S. presidential election many people have experienced an increase in symptoms of stress and anxiety, and researchers
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Two studies find resistance mechanisms in ALK+ and ROS1+ cancers
Targeted treatments have revolutionized care for lung cancer patients whose tumors harbor ALK or ROS1 alterations. Basically, cancers may use
Continue reading »Sex and race disparities in cardiovascular health could be reduced
Substantial sex and racial gaps exist for cardiac rehabilitation referral at hospital discharge, especially among females, African-Americans, Hispanic and Asian
Continue reading »Major disruptions are frequent in primary care
In primary care practices, sustainability of performance improvements and ability to deliver continuity of care to patients can be adversely
Continue reading »Researchers discover 40 genes involved in early development of myeloma
Researchers have revealed 40 genes involved in the development of myeloma, increasing our understanding of the complex genetics behind the
Continue reading »Controlling blood pressure even when older can prevent dementia in African Americans
Controlling blood pressure with any of the commonly prescribed antihypertensive medications can prevent dementia in older African-Americans with hypertension according
Continue reading »Common genetic variant linked to AFib risk in Latinos
“There is a paradox at play when it comes to atrial fibrillation in the Latino population,” said Dr. Dawood Darbar.
Continue reading »How tumors caused by STD quickly regress in dogs
The canine transmissible venereal tumor is a contagious cancer that has spread by mating among dogs worldwide. One unique feature
Continue reading »Manchester on the frontline: US hope in opioid battle
Tucked away in the corner of a US fire station are two plastic chairs, a tiny poster saying “anyone, anytime,
Continue reading »Glycemic extremes in T1DM impact cognitive skills in kids
(HealthDay)—Type 1 diabetes is associated with cognitive dysfunction in children, according to a review published online March 23 in the
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