A vaccine is likely to take at least a year. A new drug could be a decade away. Even with
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A vaccine is likely to take at least a year. A new drug could be a decade away. Even with
Continue reading »EPFL researchers have developed an artificial intelligence-based system that can listen to your cough and indicate whether you have COVID-19.
Continue reading »If you know your fitness, you’ll know that HIIT means High Intensity Interval Training. It’s short, sharp, high-energy, high-impact and
Continue reading »Researchers from the Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine (ISRM) at the medical faculty of Heinrich Heine University-Duesseldorf
Continue reading »It’s hard to believe, but America’s favorite puppy wrangler used to live in a housing development that didn’t allow pets.
Continue reading »Developing a therapy to combat cancer remains one of the most difficult challenges in medical research. Cancer cells use the
Continue reading »Your doctor may be the smartest, most compassionate, thoughtful person in the world—a leading specialist or someone you’ve trusted for
Continue reading »A team of scientists from Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University used Raman spectroscopy to study the thrombocytes of patients with
Continue reading »How the strength of your grip can provide an insight into your overall health and the risk of developing dementia
Continue reading »Diarrheal diseases are a leading cause of death for young children, accounting for nine percent of all deaths worldwide in
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