This Teenager Is Helping Women Detect Breast Cancer Through His New Invention

When Julián Ríos Cantú of Mexico found out that his mum had been diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time, he was only 13 years old.

“The tumour went from having the dimensions of a grain of rice to that of a golf ball in less than six months,” he said in a promotional video, as translated by The Huffington Post. “The diagnosis came too late, and my mother lost both of her breasts and, almost, her life.”

RELATED: Woman Says This ‘Little Trick’ Helped Her Detect Breast Cancer Before It Was Too Late

Now 18-years-old, he knows the importance of early diagnosis, and has developed an invention that could help women around the world treat breast cancer at the early stages: a bra that detects breast cancer.

The bra, named ‘Eva’, detects changes in temperature and texture of the breasts through a mobile and desktop app.

“When there is a tumour in the breast, there is more blood, more heat, so there are changes in temperature and in texture,” Julián explained to El Universal. “We will tell you, ‘in this quadrant there are drastic changes in temperature’ and our software specialises in caring for that area. If we see a persistent change, we will recommend that you go to the doctor.”

Higia Technologies

Julián has already received lots of praise for the invention, winning the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards final competition, and even meeting Virgin CEO and Founder Richard Branson!

"How I lost my Virginity". Virgin CEO and Founder, Richard Branson.

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The bra is not yet available to the public, however will likely come out in about two years, after it has gone through a certification process.

Do you know the signs of breast cancer? Here are 4 Signs Of Breast Cancer You’ve Never Heard Of.

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