Eating Bacon And Drinking Alcohol May Increase Your Chances Of Developing Cancer, Per New WCRF Guidelines

The organization also recommends several other habits that may help someone avoid cancer.

People who avoid bacon, sausage, and alcohol are less likely to get cancer than others. In addition to keeping away from pork and booze, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) recommends other lifestyle habits which can also reduce the risk of developing the disease.

In updated health guidelines from the WCRF, staying away from bacon and alcohol can lower a person’s chance of getting cancer by as much as 40 percent. A Business Insider report about the WCRF advice noted processed meat and booze, even in small amounts, can lead to many different types of cancer.

Another substantial risk factor for cancer is obesity. The WCRF points out that being overweight leads to 12 types of the disease, including cancers of the bowel, gallbladder, prostate, and stomach. Ten years ago when the guidelines were last updated, obesity was listed as only causing seven types of the disease.

“If current trends continue, overweight and obesity are likely to overtake smoking as the number one risk factor for cancer,” the authors of the new plan wrote.

Fast food eaters are also at risk for cancer. The WCRF recommends reducing the intake of food high in fat, starches, and sugars. Soft drinks and alcohol are also on the organization’s hit list. The organization highly encourages people to drink water and other non-sugary beverages.

“We are making for the first time separate recommendations on sugar-sweetened drinks and the recommendation is to drink water and unsweetened drinks and to limit consumption of fast foods and other processed foods,” said WCRF director of research Dr. Giota Mitrou, as cited by the Mirror.

Living an active life full of exercise and eating a diet packed with whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and beans will also keep cancer at bay. The WCRF believes mothers who breastfeed decrease their chances of developing breast cancer as well.

“Our research shows it’s unlikely that specific foods or nutrients are important single factors in causing or protecting against cancer,” said Dr. Mitrou, per the Business Insider article. “Rather, different patterns of diet and physical activity throughout life combine to make you more or less susceptible to cancer.”

The WCRF updated the health guidelines after compiling health data on more than 51 million people. The recently released report, dubbed “Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: a Global Perspective,” is the “most reliable blueprint available for living healthily to reduce cancer risk.”

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