While all people with vaginas deserve a partner who is excited to go down on them, as the receiver of
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Parents who had severe trauma, stresses in childhood more likely to have kids with behavioral health problems
A new study finds that severe childhood trauma and stresses early in parents’ lives are linked to higher rates of
Continue reading »Program prevents nicotine withdrawal among patients getting trauma and emergency surgery
Smokers who experience immediate, forced and involuntary nicotine abstinence after day or emergency surgery due to smoke-free hospital policies may
Continue reading »MDMA opens door for PTSD patients to work through trauma
When lasting trauma is caused by callous acts of violence, the key to recovery can be making meaning out of
Continue reading »Understanding barriers to mental health care for urban black men who experience trauma
Psychological distress is common in the aftermath of a traumatic injury. Symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress can make it
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