Playing video games like Nintendo Wii can reduce lower back pain by 30 percent in patients aged 55 and over,
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Difficult people have most to gain from practicing compassion, study finds
The most disagreeable individuals, who are also the least likely to be kind, can benefit most from behaving more compassionately,
Continue reading »Inflammation critical for preventing heart attacks and strokes, study reveals
Inflammation, long considered a dangerous contributor to atherosclerosis, actually plays an important role in preventing heart attacks and strokes, new
Continue reading »Hormone that makes women more fertile is linked to breast cancer risk
Hormone that makes women more fertile is linked to breast cancer risk – and testing for it could help spot
Continue reading »Study reveals the current rates of diagnosed type 1 and type 2 diabetes in American adults
A new study from the University of Iowa finds that type 2 diabetes remains overwhelmingly the most common type of
Continue reading »Study finds high levels of nicotine in popular e-cigarettes
Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes is dangerous. Smoking cigarettes kills more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, HIV, guns and illegal
Continue reading »Decisions recruiting gut feelings seen as reflection of true self, more assuredly held, study says
Why do some people trust their gut instincts over logic? It could be that they see those snap decisions as
Continue reading »Study reveals ‘dark motives’ behind brain teaser questions in job interviews
A new Applied Psychology study asks why brain teaser questions are often used in employment interviews despite their known lack
Continue reading »Study reveals communication among organs, tissues regulating body’s energy
An international research team led by the University of California, Irvine has identified a system of communication networks that exists
Continue reading »Same mutations underpin spread of cancer in individuals, study finds
Scientists have arrived at a key understanding about how cancers in individual patients spread, or metastasize, a study from the
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