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The logic of modesty — why it pays to be humble: New model can explain why we obscure positive traits and good deeds; scientists prove modesty can evolve naturally
Why do people make anonymous donations, and why does the public perceive this as admirable? Why do we downplay our
Continue reading »How other people affect our interpersonal space: Impact of aggressive conversations taking place nearby
Have you ever felt the urge to cross the road or move seats on a train after a conversation taking
Continue reading »People with ASD risk being manipulated because they can’t tell when they’re being lied to
A new study shows that the ability to distinguish truth from lies is diminished in people with autism spectrum disorder
Continue reading »There’s a crisis in psychology – here’s how technology could provide a solution
Psychologists obediently follow the same rules as other scientists. But their efforts haven’t yielded equivalent progress. In fact, in the
Continue reading »How social isolation transforms the brain: A particular neural chemical is overproduced during long-term social isolation, causing increased aggression and fear
Chronic social isolation has debilitating effects on mental health in mammals — for example, it is often associated with depression
Continue reading »Why we need erasable MRI scans: New technology could allow an MRI contrast agent to ‘blink off,’ helping doctors diagnose disease
Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is a widely used medical tool for taking pictures of the insides of our body.
Continue reading »Dark chocolate consumption reduces stress and inflammation: Data represent first human trials examining the impact of dark chocolate consumption on cognition and other brain functions
New research shows there might be health benefits to eating certain types of dark chocolate. Findings from two studies being
Continue reading »Weather associated with sentiments expressed on social media: Facebook, Twitter sentiments may correlate with weather patterns
Sentiments expressed on Facebook and Twitter may be associated with certain weather patterns, according to a study published April 25,
Continue reading »Overcoming bias about music takes work: New research gives insight into how the brain judges music quality
Expectations and biases play a large role in our experiences. This has been demonstrated in studies involving art, wine and
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