(HealthDay)—Black Americans are much more likely to report discrimination or unfair judgment when seeking health care than whites or Hispanics,
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(HealthDay)—Black Americans are much more likely to report discrimination or unfair judgment when seeking health care than whites or Hispanics,
Continue reading »It’s well known that a healthy diet can help reduce disease risks that are related to overweight or obesity—such as
Continue reading »The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has put the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including face masks, under the global spotlight. However
Continue reading »University of Manitoba researchers have found that disruptive behaviors are happening all too often in the operating room (OR) –
Continue reading »While the high price of insulin has gotten a lot of attention lately, it’s not the only cost issue facing
Continue reading »Scientists from James Cook University and Royal Life Saving Society—Australia have found reason can go out the window when people’s
Continue reading »A potentially fatal buildup of abnormal proteins in the heart and other organs is being delayed in its diagnosis and
Continue reading »(HealthDay)—It’s not always easy—even for doctors—to tell if someone has type 1 or type 2 diabetes when they’re diagnosed as
Continue reading »(HealthDay)—The most common electronically sent and received types of patient health information (PHI) include laboratory results and medication lists, according
Continue reading »A new acquaintance needs to be reminded of your name while you are having a conversation. A colleague forgets your
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