As more communities deal with outbreaks of COVID-19, those at risk are being advised to stay home and stock up
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You Don't Look Sick: 'I don't lead the life I would like to as a 26-year-old'
Helen Shenton, 26, from Stowmarket, Suffolk, has idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), meaning she has a build-up of pressure around her
Continue reading »You actually DON’T need to cut out red meat, scientists claim
You DON’T need to cut out red meat: Scientists say official advice on eating less beef, pork and lamb is
Continue reading »Older adults expect to lose brainpower, but most don’t ask doctors how to prevent dementia
Many Americans in their 50s and early 60s are worried about declining brain health, especially if they have loved ones
Continue reading »You Don't Look Sick: 'I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in my thirties'
Welcome to our weekly look at the issues around invisible illness. Thousands of people have invisible illnesses and disabilities but
Continue reading »Many cancer patients take alternative meds but don’t tell their doctors
(HealthDay)—One out of every three U.S. cancer patients uses alternative or complementary therapies, but many keep that info from their
Continue reading »Don’t suddenly stop taking a prescribed opioid, FDA warns
(HealthDay)—Because of the danger of “serious harm” to patients, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is advising doctors not to
Continue reading »7 ‘Healthy’ Instagram Foods That Don’t Live Up to the Hype
Who hasn’t scrolled through Instagram for some healthy diet inspo? Not only do the pics look nutritious and delicious, they’re
Continue reading »Study shows most Catholic hospitals don’t advertise religious restrictions on health care
In a survey of Catholic hospitals throughout the country, researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus found many
Continue reading »Don’t wake up on the wrong side of the bed: How light may impact your sleep
For most of us the blaring sound of our alarm clock is a signal to wake up, but often this
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