In order to keep our teeth clean and protect them from tooth decay, we will use a daily toothbrush. However, through incorrect storage can be the case fast for the Bacteria.
Many people place their toothbrush after Brushing, a tooth mug. In principle, a good solution, because the brush head can dry quickly. Bacteria spread less.
Still, FOCUS Online dental expert Markus F. Felber warns to use a Cup. “Plastic cups will often have a rough surface, there can settle the bacteria.” Better: A glass of use. On the smooth surface, no bacteria adhere to the surface and you will see faster, when the glass should be cleaned. “A drinking glass, you know, a whole month.”
The glass with the toothbrush should be placed at a bright place where you can get air. However, make sure to leave enough distance to the toilet. Because when you flush the toilet there is a spray cloud, the spread of the intestinal bacteria in the bathroom, as a spokesman for the German advice centre explains for Hygiene. Which also can land on your toothbrush. For safety, you close the toilet seat before you flush.