Many workers know it: During the "besinnlichen" Advent there is hardly any time to breathe, because before you can go in good conscience, in the Christmas holiday, there are some tasks on schedule to deliver. To private and family obligations and preparing for the holidays to come. The health consultant Barry J. Jacobs gives tips on how best to deal with it.
At the end of the year, a lot of pressure, because, for example, hovering deadlines, such as a sword of Damocles hanging over them, while the clock is ticking rests on many workers. This Stress can affect the health seriously, by, for example, leads to excessive food and Drink or lack of sleep, which in turn affects blood pressure and body weight negative.
The health consultant Barry J. Jacobs explains: "What makes the time pressure stressful, are worried about what will happen if we fail to comply with them." He warns, "Worst-Case Szenarien" mentally overpowering and the consequences inflate. Who fear, for example, not to be a bad member of the family held, because he can do it, the house before the arrival of the family sufficient to decorate, you should ask whether this is realistic: "The first step is to recognize the fear. Then you step back, look at it logically and consider whether it is true or not."
For unavoidable time pressure at work, Jacobs recommends a large task into smaller and focus on this. This To-Do list, but should not be used as a means for avoidance strategies, because they sabotage themselves so. If the pressure is too large, you should talk with the chief and get him to point it out.
"There are ways to de-Stress, by ändert" the circumstances;, Jacobs says. "If you can’t change the circumstances, you can only change your reaction. The observance of a notice period does not determine your value as a human being."
An Overview of all the messages you get on current.