Man explains how he slipped into the porn addiction – and how he was able to free

According to estimates, half a Million Sex and porn addict lives in Germany. The consequences are sometimes serious, also for partners and family members. Soon could change for you is crucial. A victim told open.

From time to time in the morning, Max Schmidt is glad to be a "normal Mann" to be. So he calls it when he wakes up with an erection. "For ages I have a Morgenlatte", Schmidt says. "I’m Horny when I’m lying next to my wife." For the Munich-based center 40 that is a success.

Because for years, Schmidt has satisfied his Lust, especially with porn, the watch satisfies. The movies were simple, straightforward and appealing. With the time you have been to Addiction. You (zer)disrupted life, his sex and his relationship. Today, he has to save his marriage. "I versaut&quot so long my life;, he says. In truth, Schmidt is different. But he wants to educate thousands of others facing the same problem or similar to him.

"There are estimates of half a Million Sex and porn addicts in Deutschland"

"For me, this is the same as alcohol or nicotine verfällt", Schmidt says. "But I didn’t recognize the consequences." In the case of alcohol and cigarettes, you immediately think of health, in addiction to the money, he says. "But what do you think looking at Porn?"

Today, he and his wife are to Couple and sex therapy in the medical psychotherapist Heike Melzer. "There are estimates of half a Million Sex and porn addicts in Deutschland", she says. Nine out of ten were men. "Add to this a similar number indirectly affected partners and family members." Lino Mirgeler/dpa Heike Melzer, Sex and couple therapist

Sex addiction as a recognised disease?

For you could soon change something critical: The world health organization (WHO) to adopt end of may, the so-called international classification of diseases (ICD-11), in the so-called compulsive sexual disorders as an impulse control disorder are included. "It is then easier to finden&quot therapists;, Melzer explains. And it is easier to explore the topic scientifically.

To behavior compulsive sexual can count according to experts, among other things, excessive Porn use and phone sex. The diagnosis is appropriate according to the Definition of the WHO, when Affected intense, recurring sexual can’t control pulses of at least six months, and this life is your family or work or social behaviour. A moral disapproval of the behavior alone is not sufficient for the classification emphasizes the WHO in its Definition explicitly.

"I have watched porn and my wife left liegengelassen"

It all started when Schmidt early on, and ever since he had problems during Sex, he says. However, a constriction of the Foreskin had only been legally recognized late, as he was grown up already. In his first marriage he had looked more and more porn, the longer the relationship lasted. After they had gone to the quarries and he had married again, he said the issue with his second wife openly. "It has not disturbed you in the beginning that I gucke&quot porn;, Schmidt says. "But you don’t know how it will turn out."

The consequences he describes with dramatic words: "I have watched porn and my wife left liegengelassen", he says. And: "After 15 years, I can satisfy me for now, even without porn." He needed porn to get aroused. "Instead of new things with my wife to try, I looked on the web." This also led to bad Compare, white Schmidt &quot today: ;Men in porn are better equipped, women have better figures."

Jolted awake by his wife at the beginning of the year, as she said to him: &quot have him;I love you as a friend, but not as a man." That got him so shocked that he stopped with the porn. Today Schmidt: &quot says;I’ve actually had a pig of happiness. Which woman doesn’t make it, if you touch them for years."