Leah Simmons' Top 5 Tips For A Healthy Mind

We sat down with fitness expert, Leah Simmons, and spoke about a topic that people often avoid, mental health. Leah believes that being healthy isn’t only physical but mental. Mental illness will affect 1 in 2 Aussies in their lifetime with only 1/3 seeking help. Leah has shared her top five tips for a healthy mind.

Start Your Day Right

Set yourself up for a day of success. Before reaching for our phones – which many people are guilty of doing first thing in the morning. Leah takes time out of each morning to meditate and breathe before starting the day.

Remove Bad Words

It sounds simple but one of the first steps that Leah believes will lead to a healthy mind is removing negativity from your life, for example the words good/bad and right/wrong. Seeing the world as contrasts can get you down, take each day as its own.

Talk To Yourself

Leah explains that when she is feeling overwhelmed she likes to take a step back and ask herself a few simple questions. “In my life right now, am I ok?” Forget all of the small things and focus on the big picture. In these times it is important to stop and think of the things that you are grateful for.

Don’t Be Scared Of Exercise

Exercise shouldn’t be a chore, it should be something you enjoy. Leah explains that if going for a run or doing a HIIT class isn’t your thing not to worry. The word “exercise” shouldn’t be a scary one. Some of her top tips are catching up with a friend for a walk, walking the long route home and riding your bike to the grocery store..


“Insanity is trying to do the same thing over and over and expect to get a different result.” Making small changes to your lifestyle can be one easy way to boost your mood and get moving. A few examples Leah gives are going to a different coffee shop or going for a walk on your lunch break rather than sitting down eating lunch.

Leah is one of the ambassadors for the David Jones “Exercise Your Mood” campaign. In support of the campaign David Jones will donate 10% of every activewear sale (both Men’s and Women) between August 28th to September 11th to the Black Dog Institute.

If you or someone you know needs help call Life Line on 13 11 14 or visit Beyond Blue.

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