How to remove stitches safely at home

Surgeons also use stitches, or sutures, to close an incision after finishing a surgical procedure. Stitches consist of thin threads that join the skin together while the cut heals.

In this article, we discuss when it is safe for a person to remove their stitches themselves and how to do it. We also cover what to do afterward and when to see a doctor.

Is it safe to remove your own stitches?

It is best for a person to have a healthcare professional remove their stitches.

A doctor or nurse can make sure that the wound has healed and that the stitches are ready to come out. They can also ensure the safe removal of the stitches to minimize the risk of infection.

Some people may prefer to remove their stitches themselves. In this case, it is essential to check with a healthcare professional that it is safe to take out the stitches before doing so.

To remove their stitches safely, a person will need some basic equipment. They will also need to take some simple precautions to reduce the risk of infection.

Before removing stitches, it is essential for a person to check that the wound has healed properly and that they have all the necessary equipment at hand.

The method for removal depends on the type of stitching. People who are unsure which type of stitching they have should ask a healthcare professional.

If the wound opens while removing the stitches or there is any bleeding or drainage from the wound, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

How to prepare

To prepare for removing stitches, follow the steps below:

To remove individual stitches

The technique for removing individual stitches is as follows:

The other type of stitching that a person may have is a simple running stitch. People sometimes refer to this as a baseball stitch because it resembles the stitching on a baseball.

To remove baseball stitches:

Follow the instructions below to remove baseball stitches:

What to do afterward

After removing the stitches, it is vital to clean the wound area once more with an antiseptic wipe.

A scar will often remain from the cut or wound, which is a sign that the body has healed itself.

Proper wound care may help reduce the appearance of scarring. This care includes:

  • Keeping the wound clean. Avoid getting the wound dirty, which could cause it to become infected. After washing, dry the wound thoroughly with a clean towel.
  • Using sun protection. Newly healed wounds are more vulnerable to sun damage. Apply high-factor sunscreen to the wound area or cover it at all times when in sunlight.
  • Moisturizing. Applying a moisturizer, particularly one that contains vitamin E or aloe vera, may help reduce scarring.
  • Protecting the wound. Depending on the location of the wound, it may be best to avoid any heavy physical exercise or sport for several weeks following stitch removal as this can sometimes cause the wound to reopen. Alternatively, use a bandage or dressing to protect the wound during exercise.

When to see a doctor

If the wound opens during stitch removal or there is any bleeding or drainage, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

It is also important to consult a doctor or nurse if the wound or the skin surrounding it:

  • starts bleeding or oozing fluid
  • becomes swollen
  • becomes painful
  • feels hot
  • reopens
  • starts blistering or a rash appears
  • smells bad
  • feels hard or unusual

Any of these symptoms could indicate that the wound has become infected or needs restitching. A person should also seek medical attention if they develop a high temperature or feel feverish.


Healthcare professionals use stitches to close wounds while they heal. To ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of infection and scarring, it is best for a person to have a healthcare professional remove their stitches.

It is advisable to speak to a doctor or nurse before attempting to removing stitches at home. When removing stitches, ensure that the equipment is sterile and keep the wound clean at all times. Seek medical assistance if the wound opens or begins to bleed or leak fluid.

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