AMA adopts policy on augmented intelligence

(HealthDay)—The American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates has adopted a policy on augmented intelligence, according to a report published in the association’s AMA Wire.

Though computational methods, techniques, and systems for data analysis such as machine image recognition are often called artificial intelligence, a more appropriate term for their use in health care is augmented intelligence (AI). Health-related AI solutions in the pipeline or currently available include wearable AI, new diagnostic and physician training tools, and data analytics, which should enhance physician and patient decision-making to advance improved health outcomes.

At the 2018 AMA annual meeting, the AMA board of trustees adopted AI recommendations from a panel of experts. Under the new policy, the AMA will seek to leverage its engagement in digital health for improving patient outcomes and physicians’ satisfaction to help set priorities for AI and identify opportunities to integrate the perspective of physicians into the development and implementation of AI. The AMA will promote the development of high-quality, validated health care AI that is in keeping with best practices in user-centered design, is transparent and conforms to standards for reproducibility, takes steps to address bias and avoids introducing or exacerbating health care disparities, and safeguards patients’ privacy.

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