Children with greater parent communication in early adolescence have less harmful alcohol use and emotional eating in young adulthood, according
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Mindfulness at work: Study first to uncover positive benefits for teams
Challenges and differences in opinion are inevitable when working in a team. But new research from the UBC Sauder School
Continue reading »Looking good? Your brain might be playing tricks on you
Your brain can make a psychological illusion with your body image, making you think you are a bit thinner or
Continue reading »Even brief maternal deprivation early in life alters adult brain function and cognition
When a baby is taken from its mother for even a brief period early in life, this traumatic event significantly
Continue reading »Looking beyond the ‘magic bullet’ approach to drug discovery
It’s time to move beyond the traditional “magic bullet” approach for discovering new drugs and start leveraging the full complexity
Continue reading »Quiet rest contributes to retaining detailed memories
A brief rest can result in the retention of more detailed memories, relative to being busy in the minutes following
Continue reading »Substance used in Chinese medicine can cause cardiac arrhythmia
Researchers from the Universities of Basel, Vienna and Utrecht report that a medicinal plant frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine—Evodia
Continue reading »Psychologists: ‘There is no alternative to free speech’
Colleges and universities across the country are struggling with the question of who decides what is acceptable speech on campus.
Continue reading »Pilot study validates artificial intelligence to help predict school violence
A pilot study indicates that artificial intelligence may be useful in predicting which students are at higher risk of perpetrating
Continue reading »How to check your unconscious biases
Diversity expert Howard Ross recounted a time when he dismissed a fellow air traveller—bearded, heavy-set, flannel-shirted and with a car
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