Everyone wants a sculpted stomach, but it may seem unobtainable for many guys. Now, plastic surgeons say six pack abs
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Measles: What you need to know about vaccines, outbreaks and staying safe
Once considered eliminated, measles is again on the rise with more cases this year already than in all of 2018.
Continue reading »You Don't Look Sick: 'I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in my thirties'
Welcome to our weekly look at the issues around invisible illness. Thousands of people have invisible illnesses and disabilities but
Continue reading »Where you live and how much you pay to live there can affect your health
How fit you are and how much you exercise may not affect your health as much as how much you
Continue reading »This Is How You Should Recover After Your Favorite Kind of Workout
Everyone has a different way that they love to get those feel-good, sweaty endorphins in. Maybe you’re a big runner,
Continue reading »We examine the Kombucha craze sweeping the nation
Can sipping fermented tea REALLY be as good for you as all its fans claim? We examine the Kombucha craze
Continue reading »Salt is bad for you, but how it affects your body is still frontier science
Research has shown that excess salt intake is harmful to people’s health. It can lead to high blood pressure and
Continue reading »Could an eye doctor diagnose Alzheimer’s before you have symptoms?
A quick eye exam might one day allow eye doctors to check up on both your eyeglasses prescription and your
Continue reading »Did you wait until middle age to get fit? It could still boost your life span
(HealthDay)—It’s truly never too late to begin exercising, new research shows. Even for people who were “couch potatoes” in their
Continue reading »With intermittent fasting, you make your metabolism to fat-burning – Video
Slim in his sleep due to intermittent fasting? What sounds too good to be true, it can be weight, an
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