The mere presence of a pair of eyes on a sign requesting donations makes people more likely to give more.
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The mere presence of a pair of eyes on a sign requesting donations makes people more likely to give more.
Continue reading »Thousands of people across the globe have taken to Twitter to share the heartbreaking reasons—from embarrassment to shame to fear
Continue reading »Researchers from the University of Birmingham have found that survivors of sexual assault are more likely to blame themselves for
Continue reading »Lucid dreaming has recently been popularized by movies such as Inception. The movie features impressive dream artisans who are able
Continue reading »A Johns Hopkins Medicine analysis of information gathered for an ongoing and federally sponsored study of aging and disability adds
Continue reading »Kids these days have a problem completely foreign to older generations: There’s too much damn porn. Sex, everywhere! Gone are
Continue reading »There’s this thing guys do in the throes of hot sex, and you might not even notice. We pause, and
Continue reading »Once hailed as essential to advance health care into the 21st Century, electronic health record (EHR) systems have increased rather
Continue reading »Nightshade foods contain solanine, a chemical which some people believe may aggravate arthritis pain or inflammation. The Arthritis Foundation say
Continue reading »A new machine learning tool that can detect whether emerging strains of the bacterium, Salmonella are more likely to cause
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