Identical brain mechanisms are responsible for triggering memory in both sleep and wakefulness, new research at the University of Birmingham
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Identical brain mechanisms are responsible for triggering memory in both sleep and wakefulness, new research at the University of Birmingham
Continue reading »This year marks the centenary of the 1918 influenza pandemic, the worst flu outbreak in recorded history. A new study
Continue reading »Stunning transformation of a retail worker, 23, ‘who was treated like a leper by stumped doctors’ – until she was
Continue reading »The natural world often provides the answer to unsolved medical problems. On this occasion, the solution to a challenge posed
Continue reading »TUESDAY, Oct. 2, 2018 — Emergency departments are becoming increasingly violent places as doctors bear the brunt of fallout from
Continue reading »Scientists have scanned the brains of die-hard football fans to find out why supporters of rival teams often have very
Continue reading »The flu shot most definitely cannot cause the flu–no matter how many times you’ve heard this longstanding myth. Overall, the
Continue reading »A new USC study reports that sudden price spikes for some generic drugs—such as the recently reported increases of a
Continue reading »A recent study revealed what medical symptoms were the most commonly searched on Google, state by state across the U.S.
Continue reading »Many people with rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, report having trouble thinking clearly, problems with memory, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms,
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