A study in rural Bangladesh has concluded that preventive iron treatment has no impact on young children’s development. Iron supplements
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What is GABA?
Skip to: What are the role and distribution of GABA? GABA receptors, agonists and modulators GABA and the blood-brain barrier
Continue reading »Vitamin B12: Can you take too many vitamin B12 supplements? How much should you take?
Dr Dawn Harper on signs of vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiency Vitamin B12 is absolutely crucial in helping the
Continue reading »COVID-19 – Dr Chris says vitamin D supplements ‘vital part’ of defence against the virus
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Continue reading »Taking Fish Oil Supplements Could Help Improve Your Sperm Health
When it comes to improving your health, fish oil has had a checkered history. Since the 1990s, research has made
Continue reading »Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: A lack of the vitamin may cause pain in this body part
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods, and available as a dietary supplement.
Continue reading »‘A bit out of control’: the push to make sports supplements safer
The claims on sports supplements are typically grandiose; performance-building, muscle-bulking, fat-burning, stamina-enhancing and recovery-boosting. But as the industry has grown
Continue reading »Fish oil supplements could be 'as good as drugs' for treating ADHD
Fish oil supplements could be ‘as good as drugs’ for treating ADHD in children with omega-3 deficiency ‘because the pills
Continue reading »Fish oil supplements have no effect on anxiety and depression
Omega-3 fats have little or no effect on anxiety and depression according to new research from the University of East
Continue reading »High blood pressure: Including this herb in your meals could help lower levels
High blood pressure happens when the force of blood pushing against a person’s artery walls is consistently too high. Overtime,
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