In 2006, scientists discovered a way to “reprogram” mature cells—adult skin cells, for example—into stem cells that could, in principle,
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In 2006, scientists discovered a way to “reprogram” mature cells—adult skin cells, for example—into stem cells that could, in principle,
Continue reading »Mosquitoes can harbor thousands of malaria-causing parasites in their bodies, yet while slurping blood from a victim, they transmit just
Continue reading »Overweight people really DO enjoy their food more than other adults, study finds Researchers at the University of Iowa studied
Continue reading »Researchers have discovered that meal timing strategies such as intermittent fasting or eating earlier in the daytime appear to help
Continue reading »A new study has found that an Inuit population in Canada’s Arctic are genetically distinct from any known group, and
Continue reading »Breast cancer patients and women undergoing cancer-preventive breast surgeries may consider combining these procedures with hysterectomy and/or ovarian removal. However,
Continue reading »Living-donor liver transplant offers numerous advantages over deceased-donor transplant, including better three-year survival rates for patients and lower costs, according
Continue reading »Accountable care organizations (ACOs), the health care delivery model created by the Affordable Care Act in an effort to reduce
Continue reading »Not all therapy is created equal. Years of scientific research have shown that some types of mental health treatment, like
Continue reading »A new study published early online in Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, shows that women of
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