The teenager who vomits 30 times A DAY: Rare condition leaves 19-year-old weighing just six stone The teenager who vomits
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Less than six hours sleep a night raises the risk of heart disease
Why eight hours sleep really IS good for you: Less than six or more than 10 hours slumber a night
Continue reading »Human drug addiction behaviors tied to specific impairments in six brain networks
Specific impairments within six large-scale brain networks during drug cue exposure, decision-making, inhibitory control, and social-emotional processing are associated with
Continue reading »Six months of Herceptin could be as effective as 12 months for some women with HER2 positive breast cancer
For women with HER2 positive early-stage breast cancer taking Herceptin for six months could be as effective as 12 months
Continue reading »Researchers crowdsource brain mapping with gamers, discover six new neuron types
With the help of a quarter-million video game players, Princeton researchers have created and shared detailed maps of more than
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