Protein variations that result from the process of alternative splicing control the identity and function of nerve cells in the
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DNA repair after CRISPR cutting not at all what people thought: Involvement of Fanconi anemia DNA repair pathway provides opportunity to steer repair outcome
Despite high hopes and high investment in CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, scientists still have a lot to learn about how it
Continue reading »Geometry is key to T-cell triggering: Engineers discover geometric underpinnings of T-cell stimulation through precise engineering of T-cell receptor geometry, building a 3-D nanofabricated biomimetic surface that simulates the key components of an antigen-presenting cell
T cells protect the body from foreign substances (known as antigens) and are an essential component of the body’s immune
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Every day, stem cells in our bone marrow produce billions of new red blood cells. Any disruption in this process
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