I lay on the mat of the open-air bungalow in Apia, Samoa, looking up at a gecko. As its tail
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I lay on the mat of the open-air bungalow in Apia, Samoa, looking up at a gecko. As its tail
Continue reading »Doctor in South Korea performs an abortion on the WRONG woman after they failed to check her identity as police
Continue reading »Industry has unduly influenced the regulations for TV advertising of unhealthy foods to children, likely weakening legislation in this area,
Continue reading »Revealed: Illegal tanning injections which can trigger heart problems were being sold to UK customers on eBay Melanotan II easily
Continue reading »The way immune cells pick friends from foes can be described by a classic math puzzle known as the “narrow
Continue reading »The eventual elimination of chemical testing on mammals was announced Tuesday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The agency plans
Continue reading »Do we tend to centre our Instagram selfies on our left eye? A new study suggests that it may not
Continue reading »A quick word of warning before you go about your day: Please don’t rub toothpaste on your penis. Is this
Continue reading »Adults who received more intensive treatment to lower their blood pressure were less likely to experience drastic blood pressure drops,
Continue reading »Millions of people worldwide suffer from traumatic brain injury each year, and in some severe cases, injured individuals arrive at
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