Researchers in Spain have discovered that a hormone secreted by fat cells that is present at higher levels in women
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Rural America needs more headache specialists, researcher says
West Virginia is short on neurologists. According to David Watson, who directs the West Virginia University Headache Center, the state
Continue reading »Minimalism: When Less Is More
Society is constantly feeding us with a notion that happiness comes from acquiring things. We constantly put what to wear,
Continue reading »Vulnerable narcissists more susceptible to eating disorders
Vulnerable narcissists are more likely to develop eating disorders, according to a new study from The Australian National University (ANU).
Continue reading »Interacting with more people is shown to keep older adults more active
It’s been said that variety is the spice of life, and now scientists say variety in your social circle may
Continue reading »Interval training may shed more pounds than continuous moderate intensity workout
Interval training may shed more pounds than a continuous moderate intensity workout, suggests a pooled analysis of the available evidence,
Continue reading »Women more likely to have poorer outcomes following aortic surgery
New research says women fare worse than men following aortic heart surgery. Researchers examined three different outcomes: early death, stroke
Continue reading »More than half a million breast cancer deaths averted in the US over three decades
Latest U.S. estimates indicate that since 1989, hundreds of thousands of women’s lives have been saved by mammography and improvements
Continue reading »Pregnancy-related stroke more common among black women
The risk of pregnancy-related stroke is much higher among black women than among white women, according to preliminary research to
Continue reading »25-year study shows that incidence of type 1 diabetes is increasing by more than 3 percent per year in Europe
New research published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]) shows that new
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