Botryllus schlosseri, a marine invertebrate that lives in underwater colonies resembling fuzzy pinheads clinging to rocks, has a blood-forming system
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Skin-like sensor maps blood-oxygen levels anywhere in the body: New device could track oxygenation of healing wounds in real time
Injuries can’t heal without a constant influx of blood’s key ingredient — oxygen. A new flexible sensor developed by engineers
Continue reading »Researchers design ‘smart’ surfaces to repel everything but targeted beneficial exceptions: New surfaces create promise of safer implants, more accurate diagnostic tests
Researchers at McMaster University have solved a vexing problem by engineering surface coatings that can repel everything, such as bacteria,
Continue reading »New cause of brain bleeds identified
A team of researchers including UCI project scientist Rachita Sumbria, PhD and UCI neurologist Mark J. Fisher, MD have provided,
Continue reading »Single, fixed-dose combo pills improve hypertension outcomes
(HealthDay)—Single-pill, fixed-dose combination (FDC) treatment may be more effective for improving blood pressure control in older patients, according to a
Continue reading »Allergy clinic finds large percentage of anaphylaxis cases from tick bite meat allergy: Increased awareness, more available testing led to 33 percent of cases identified as alpha gal allergy
An increase in the Lone Star tick population since 2006, and the ability to recognize the ticks as the source
Continue reading »Blood sample breakthrough good news for pregnant women
A wide range of fetal genetic abnormalities could soon be detected in early pregnancy thanks to a world-first study led
Continue reading »Biomarker for salt sensitivity of blood pressure discovered: Findings have implications for the treatment of hypertension
For the first time researchers have identified a genetic marker (GNAI2) that is associated with the risk of salt sensitivity
Continue reading »Accurate measurements of sodium intake confirm relationship with mortality: New study suggests recent paradoxical results may be due to imprecise evaluation
Eating foods high in salt is known to contribute to high blood pressure, but does that linear relationship extend to
Continue reading »Delivering insulin in a pill: Technique could replace daily injections for diabetics
Given the choice of taking a pill or injecting oneself with a needle, most of us would opt to regulate
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