Blue berries natural blood pressure reduction An English research team discovered a natural method to lower blood pressure: blue berries.
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5 Things Everybody Should Know About Blood Pressure
“Keep the pressure down”, sang our very own John Farnham. He may have had dodgy hair, but his lyrics were
Continue reading »Risk of death Metabolic syndrome: In one third of people, it lurks!
A disease of affluence is rampant Approximately every third Person in Germany suffers from the metabolic syndrome – and the
Continue reading »Research: blood pressure values above the normal value can also be signs of brain damage!
Pathological changes in brain volume due to increased blood pressure People between the ages of 20 and 40 years, already
Continue reading »Major study clearly demonstrates how therapeutic fasting in many disorders and helps
A fasting study confirms a number of positive effects The largest study of this kind is evidenced by the numerous
Continue reading »Study demonstrated: Our health can fasting have a positive influence!
A fasting study confirms a number of positive effects The largest study of this kind is evidenced by the numerous
Continue reading »Hypertension: Increased blood pressure values can also be used with chamomile tea good lowering
Natural high blood pressure treatment with a specific type of tea In the case of hypertension are often used to
Continue reading »Lower blood pressure: this is the Only sports affect high blood pressure
Sports in hypertension is as effective as beta-blockers or ACE-inhibitors Sport is healthy – that is the majority of people
Continue reading »Why fiber have high blood pressure have a similar effect as drugs
The protective effect of propionic acid Dietary fiber, derived from, for example, whole grain products, and fruits, have a protective
Continue reading »Why fiber develop high blood pressure, a similar effect as drugs
The protective effect of propionic acid Dietary fiber, derived from, for example, whole grain products, and fruits, have a protective
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