Violence in hospitals: a clinic in Nuremberg, Germany invested to attacks in their own safety

Violence in hospitals and doctor’s practices in Germany to a larger Problem. The clinic in Nuremberg responded well and invested in their own safety.

Statistically, it came in the year 2018 to practices daily 75 cases of physical violence in the German doctor. This emerges from a study of the kassenärztliche bundesvereinigung (KBV) and the Association of Physicians (NAV).

Comes to verbal violence, according to the “ärzte Zeitung” even more frequently. In Germany, the number of which in 2018 will be appreciated on a daily basis 2870. Verbal violence was greater in the Problem and thus anonymerer practices. Physical violence to take, in turn, the smaller a practice is. Only every fourth physical attack will be brought to the offices for display.

A massive increase in the number of attacks, there was also in the hospital in Nuremberg, Germany. According to its own information, it employs 7000 staff and has over 2200 beds. Be treated annually over 100,000 inpatient and 105,000 outpatients. In an interview with our editorial staff, the press office of the hospital confirmed a report in the portal that the number of attacks had risen to the clinic staff in 2018 compared to the previous year by nearly 50 percent.

The number of attacks has risen by about 50 percent

There were 2017 314 cases of verbal and physical violence, it was in the following year, 458. Of course, only those cases that were actually reported. To ensure the safety of staff and patients now effective, has decided to the hospital, new safety measures to address the cost of which will amount to one Million euros.

So, there should be an advanced people-emergency-System, with the personnel in emergency situations very quickly help you can get. The grazing corridors of the Security be extended to 24 hours and seven days a week. The site will in the future also monitors amplified video and the closing times of the individual buildings will be reduced. In addition, two new positions for the security to be tendered service.

The reasons for the increase in violence in German hospitals are complex. The patients have increased in volume since 2008 by 30 per cent –with the same space facilities, such as Dr. Klaus Hermes, head of the emergency Department at the Bremen Klinikum said in the middle of the “regional newspaper”. “Waiting periods lead to Stress and often to an increased potential for conflict”. Second, the threshold of tolerance in many patients and their families is lower now. Spit on, shove, and threaten to be “everyday”, like Hermes of the “regional newspaper” said.

Sources: / “newspaper” / “ärzte Zeitung”