Vaginal discharge: when to see a doctor?

Schützendes Secretions or the Symptom of a disease: The vaginal discharge verächange sometimes. What is normal and when women should better go to the doctor?

In ungewöhnlichem vaginal not secretion schämen, but better go to the doctor

Secretions discharged from the vagina, feel the women, sometimes uncomfortable, perhaps even disgusting. However, the cervical mucus as physicians the Flüthe reliability of call erf&uuml, ;llt important functions.

Is formed in the transparent Secretion of Drüsen on Gebäcellses neck (cervical) and of the cells of the Vagina. It schüprotects the sensitive mucous membrane of the vagina from infections. With the Secretion of germs and old skin are flushed out of the cells.

Helpful Glycogen

Certain ingredients verstäthe protection function strengthen, for example, glycogen. "Often sugar is the ideal Nährmedium für-for-healthy vaginal flora gehögenerating Keime", Dr. Christian Albring, Pr&auml says;President of the professional Association of Frauenädoctors.

The glycogen is außerdem to Milchsäure is converted and generates an acidic pH of 4 to 4.5. This environment prevents pathogenic germs multiply in the Gebäcellses or the fallopian tube Hiking.

Protection during intercourse

During intercourse, the cervical mucus also acts as a protection. A woman is sexually aroused, increased Secretion on the vaginal entrance. "It serves as a sliding layer between the Penis and vaginal wall. So köcan no cracks in the Vagina entstehen", Albring says.

After the menopause the mucosa is less or disappears completely. A dry vagina füh&auml feels;often uncomfortable to – especially during Sex. Gynäthe Crimean state medical Institute concerned women moistening creams recommend.

Pioneer für sperm

A große role of cervical mucus in conception. In the days before ovulation, the &shy is;Secretions of clear, flüstorey, äsimilar to ­Whisk the egg whites. The good humidification helps sperm on their way to the egg.

"You müshot from the Gebäcellses the neck to the ovary, this is a ordent­of Weg", Dr. Lisa says Mary wall, Vienna, Frauenärztin at the hospital of the Universität MüMunich. "Außerdem, you can find in the Gebäcellses cervical mucus all Nänutrients you need, and köcan up to fünf days." Who wants to be pregnant, on the basis of discharge and Köbody temperature to identify the fertile window of time.

For the first Time

Mägirls usually notice about a year before your first period a vaginal discharge. "This is the sign dafür, that the hormonal machine anläuft", expert wall Wiener says. The Secretion is then not transparent, but rather weiß. "Für ­Parents this is a good time to be with your Töcompressors üabout the issues of period, fertility and Verhüto sprechen&quot tung;, wall said Wiener.

The amount of vaginal secretion can differ from woman to woman and is of the hormonal Situation abhäregardless. It varies within the cycle, takes in the Pubertät, in the case of hormonal Verhütung, as well as in pregnancy.

Tips for intimate hygiene

Normally, the Secretion has a very mild smell. "He hängt also from the Intimhygiene", stresses Gynäkologe Albring. "A täg­cleaning with water selbstverst&auml should;of course. Between the labia without soap."

Intimate washing lotions experts f&uuml keep;r überflücasual. Sometimes stöthe vaginal flora even and fülisten to ­­increased vaginal discharge. Also a lubricant and spermienabtötende Präparate köcan irritate the vagina and the vaginal discharge verächange.

Signal für visit to the doctor

As a General rule: Changes that Secretion its color or its smell, should women the cause of the Gynäthe Crimean state medical Institute abklären. "Self-experiments with Spülungs, yoghurt or Ölen in the Vagina are grundsäin addition abzulehnen", Gyn&auml says;kologe Albring.

A grüpersonal Fästaining may indicate a bacterial infection, weiß-krümeliger discharge of a fungal infection. Sexually übertragbare diseases such as chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, and other infections sometimes causing a fishy odor.

A pink-bräunliche Fästaining of vaginal secretions may indicate a gratifying event. Ärztin wall Vienna: "This can be a slight bleeding, during the implantation of an embryo in the Gebäcellses occurs."

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