Für Professor Mark Prausnitz is the future: "Who needs a vaccination, simply buy a vaccine patch and is stuck at home on the Haut", the Biotechnologist from the ­ says;Georgia Institute of Technology (USA). Für the protection genüa few minutes – and the patch can be deducted.
The first successes für vaccination by plaster
What, according to Science-Fiction sounds, was already in first Tests on humans. The vaccine patch for the flu proved to be as effective as the syringe. It is on the Handjoint gedrückt and 20 minutes away. Micro-needles at the bottom of cracks in the skin very easily, so that the active ingredient in the Köbody. The user does not notice anything.
"The approach has großit Potenzial", Professor Klaus Cichutek, the head of the Paul judge-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) in Germany für the admission and Prüfung of vaccines zustäfully. When vaccine patch to Verfüaside kö are;could darüto speculate about but still früh. surveys suggest that without the Piks the Impfbereitschaft increases significantly.
Vaccination by cream or Mundspülung?
Promising AnsäParking there are several: At the Helmholtz centres in Braunschweig and Saarbrücover, researchers are working on a Impfcreme, by means of tiny nano-particles of active substances üon the skin in the Köthe body removed. In the laboratory and in animals, it works already.
A the other idea to keep track of scientists from the Berkeley-Universität in California (USA): you have a Gerät developed with a Flüthe reliability of beam of vaccines to the mucosa of the mouth. Your "MucoJet" so groß as a Gummibämonarch and should be easy and pain-free on the inner side of the cheeks to apply.
Target skin and mucous areas of skin
"Which method will prevail, lässt currently not sagen", Dr. Ralf Wagner, head of the Department of Viral vaccines, the PEI says. The new method, the skin or mucous membrane as a lock in the Köbody use, is no coincidence: "Unour skin is a unzäcells ausgestattet"-engined immune;, erklähe rt. It is therefore good to an immune response auszulösen and the Köto arm the body against pathogens.
The infamous Piks passé soon; be köcould is not the only advantage of the new dosage forms. They can also be easier to handle and güconvenient manufacture. This makes them especially für Entwicklungslämore interesting, where many people still die of infectious diseases such as measles, Polio and Tetanus, against which there are effective vaccinations gäbe.
Güinexpensive and fit for the tropics
One reason why the protection Entwicklungslänot achieved: Vaccinate a logistical nightmare. The active ingredients müshot during Transport kühl and by medical personnel administered to be stored. Add to this the high price. Patches are space-saving, easy to apply, and the flu patch even at 40 degrees Celsius, for one year effective.
Some of the vaccinations of today, without a needle: Since einiyears ago, there is a Impfspray against the flu, which is used in children and adolescents. A Sprühstoß with abgeschwäwant to Erregern in the nose mimics the way the natüis it a natural Virus uses. Already long in use the SIP is vaccination, for example against Kinderlähmung (Polio).
The disadvantage of the polio vaccine
Be administered abgeschwäkilled and live viruses. Only this köcan pass through the intestinal barrier and in the Köthe body will be active. In the case of immune-weak persons at low risk, however, is that it comes to a disease. In Germany, the Polio is, therefore, since 1998, vaccination with dead Virusparticles by a syringe is recommended. A vaccination to Swallow, there is, however, against rotavirus.
Another Vision is to make it, however, will probably never be on the market: the vaccination for dinner. By grüne, genetic engineering can now be vaccines in pharmaceutical plants züwant to – however, only the dead pathogens or pathogen parts to the intestinal barrier failure wüauthorities. The delicious protection, for example in the Form of a Impfbanane, remains a dream.