New Alternative to General anesthesia

Today, there are more Alternatives to General anesthesia than ever before. Patients köcan even time-consuming operations pain-free, without dafür completely unconscious to be

Shielded: Nowadays, there are a variety of Betäpractice procedures

As Gladys Hooper a künst­available HüRTD got, everything went quite fast. In 45 minutes, the patient had a new joint. A Routine surgery that made it to 2015 still in the headlines. Hoo­by Born in 1903. The 112-Jäthe Operation over the years and it is so good überstand, was also due to the nature of the Betäexercise.

The Ädoctors worked with a local anaesthetic, also Regionalanästhesie. Only the affected Region bet&auml is;ubt. Gladys Hooper got a Spinalanästhesie, in the lower Köthe body the area of the sensation unterdrückt. It injects the Betädrugs directly into the area of the nerve. The transfer of Schmerz­impulses to the brain is prevented in this way.

Dr. Jens D&ouml Want;ffert his patients the benefits of the Regionalanästhesie illustrate, erzähe hlt them, among other things, of Gladys Hooper. "Just old patients have große afraid to sein&quot after General anesthesia Wake up, and not the Old;, the specialist f&uuml says;r Anästhesie and intensive care medicine at the County hospital in Calw. In the case of a partial anesthesia wüauthorities Übel­­ness, confusion, and cardiovascular problems occur rarely.

A relatively new development

It für operations is hardly an age limit, is now also selbstverstäof course, as are the support by a Anästhesisten. There is the art, patient für the duration ­to put a medical operation in a state of insensibility, not so long ago. Only in the middle of the 19th century. Century, people began patients üin General to betäpractice. A medical Revolution: Finally &Auml could;doctors work in peace, wäwhile the Patient was slumbering – instead of in agony aufzubätrees.

Für attention provided in 1898, an attempt at the köRoyal Universitäts­clinic in Kiel. The surgeon August beer tested his assistant doctor, whether a Kokainlösung in the Rüpress mark the lower Körperhähalf betäpractice köcould. Beer überprüRTD the anesthetic effect, he hit his wizard with an iron hammer against the tibia or a glüexisting cigar on the skin drüset. The subject spürte.

Nevertheless, the Regionalan&auml could;sthesie then still fail to enforce, among other things, because they required skill, and time-consuming. Eigen­stäfull Narkoseädoctors, Anästhesisten, there was a lot of später, from the 1950s. At the same time, General anesthesia more &ndash developed; and became the Standard. Döffert: "It was considered the simpler and zuverlässigere procedures."

Up to 80 percent of the interventions found in Regionalanästhesie instead

Today köcan Anästhesisten on far more techniques zurüqualifications and specialist expertise. How often is the election to the regional Betäexercise fällt, but there are no Numbers. So far, the &shy in Germany;Anesthesia types are not recorded separately. In the case of a Großpart of the 230 000 Emperor births, for example, a Bet&auml is cut;exercise üon the Rücover mark Standard. Also, many of the interventions to the Extremitäten, so the arms and legs, köcan be done with a local anaesthetic.

"There are große Unterschiede", Dr. Thomas Geisenberger, An&auml says;sthesist in the Swiss Ospidal the lower Engadine. In the Winter Skiunf&auml have there;lle high season, Ädoctors get it häoften with broken legs and Füßto do en. "The Regionalanästhesie is about 70 to 80 percent of the interventions eingesetzt", so Berger geisen. Otherwise, it looks to be in emergency medicine, or in the case of lengthy operations, and in particular on the abdomen. Then, General anesthesia is usually indispensable. 

More Detailed Betäexercise of the nerve by ultrasound

That doctors have many other types of surgery, the choice is mainly due to a modern technology: hochauflösend Ultraschallgeräth. Long An&auml could;sthesisten in your work only on your anatomy knowledge and your räumliches Vorstellungsvermögene left to für regio­nal Betäexercises the decisive nervous aufzuspüren. But nerves are lost for every person, hidden under the skin and tissue. For orientation, were used by the Ädoctors, among other things, bones, muscles, painted lines.

In the ‘ 70s, and needles were developed, the use of a weak current, the nerves are better aufspüren could. The so-called nerve stimulation is the standard procedure and is considered to be very ­zuverläcasual. But since about the turn of the Millennium, provides the ultrasound images in real-time – something in the Anästhesie until then so not gave. "This led to a huge Entwicklungsschub", Professor Thomas Volk, Director of the clinic f&uuml says;r Anästhesiologie, Intensiv­medicine and pain therapy at the Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes. 

Unlike frühere models the sensitive Ultraschallgeräte self-millimeterdünne is nerve fibers. Hält Anästhesist the transducer on the Köthe body region of the corresponding nerves run, he sees on the screen not only Blutgefäße and nervous, but also the needle with the other Hand in the direction of the nerve controls. More advanced systems köcould Ädoctors at the orientation in the Köthe body still stäamplifier unterstüetching, by showing such regions, the Anästhesist avoid. "The idea of quasi-Navigationsysteme", the people in the society f&uuml says;r Anästhesiologie in the working group Regionalanästhesie engaged. 

Re-discovery of the age Betäpractice procedures

The newfound view ermöglichte also the rediscovery of some of the Betäexercise procedure, the rates, due to high complication were forgotten. For example, a technique für interventions on the Arm and shoulder. The Bet&auml must;drugs are close injected in a nerve plexus, which lies between the shoulders. The Anästhesist can take the place of upper – or below the Schlüsselbeins. However,. in the immediate N&auml…Hey important Blutgefäße and lung. For a long time, such a pain were the blockages, therefore, as relatively risky. Today, however, you are a well-established and secure standard procedure – the ultrasound thank. 

As a result of such progress, there is a certain euphoria, D&ouml says;ffert. Of the many patients benefit. Even small children and Säuglinge, in which the risks posed by General anaesthesia größhe as in adults, köcan today be a part of anesthesia in surgery.

Less medication nötig

Außalso, many Betäexercise types with less drugs. "If the nerve of active ingredient, flowing to the is, can the ultrasound see. The Narkose&quot acts;, erklärt Dr. Ingo Bergmann, chief physician für Anästhesie and intensive care medicine at the OrthopäJewish clinic Hessisch Lichtenau. Often the ben&ouml is;consolidated amount is low, as it is a long time in the Lehrbüchern. In some Fäcases you need only the Hähalf of the previous amount of active Ingredient, or even less, up to the gewüyou want Betäexercise entry.

Despite all the progress can, and should,. the part of anesthesia, the General anesthesia, but not v&ouml…completely replace, stressed people. "Today, we have all Möopportunities to ­­individually to the patient einzu­go." So köcan such operations, the strong pain , both anesthesia types are combined – wäduring the surgery and afterwards.

Combination of different methods

Dafür a d&uuml is in the needle;men catheter tube is pushed in the NäHey the betäpracticing nerve to Lie. The needle is pulled out, the hose, dünn, such as a ball point pen tip, remains zurück. Üabout this köcan Äa Lokal&shy doctors in the days after the Operation;anästhetikum administer. This has several advantages, such as doctors Berger erkl&auml geisen;rt: "It can be dosed in the case of the OP, the anaesthetic is lower, which reduces the risk of side-effects of General anesthesia." In addition, patients then faster again on the legs, the Rehabilitation can früstart.

With this combination procedure, the hope of the Anästhesisten, maybe even chronic pain after surgeries to avoid, or reduce, such as the so-called phantom pain after an Amputation. "Because the regional Anästhesie prevents the pain stimulus, the brain is reached, it is conceivable that a Schmerzgedämemory so not even entsteht", Bergmann says. 

In one area however, there is pent-up demand: the patients better üabout the anesthesia-Möto inform debate. "Some people möwant to do not noticed that Ädoctors to your Köto create the body machen", the people says. A major SURGERY without General anesthesia is für you a beängstigende idea. It must remain in the part of the anesthesia, no one awake: With a sedative köcan Pa­tients wäduring the intervention gentle slumber.

The correct anesthesia find

  • Aufklä: In the case of planned interventions must, on the day before the Operation, a Narkose­gespräch with the ­Anästhesisten take place.  
  • Medical history: The doctor has many questions about the state of health. Only with this information, he can be the most suitable anesthetic procedure, as well as the optimal pain therapy after the Operation auswämiss. 
  • Expectations: patients should Gespräch use to have hopes or Älongest to address. This köcan then at the election of the ­Procedure berübe taken into account.