In addition to the mouth-nose-coverings more and more people now seem to be on a different protection access: the so-called Face Shields. Face Shields are made of plexiglass and fastened with a rubber band at the forehead. It is questionable, however, whether they offer more security than an ordinary mouth-nose protection.
The benefits of Face Shields, blades first, tempting. Since the protection in contrast to the mouth-nose cover is open at the sides, not according to the “Ökotest” breathe better, it’ll come to pressure points behind the ears or Fogging of the glasses and the protective plastic is easier to clean. A great advantage is also that the disk extends also to the eyes. As a result, no pathogens can get into the eye.
Robert Koch Institute: “No equivalent Alternative”
The Robert Koch Institute recommends, but clearly the Wearing of a mouth-nose protection instead of a Face shield. According to the Institute manufacturers apply the Face Shields, without having a proof that they protect just as well as a mouth-nose cover. A properly-fitting and close-fitting cloth covering your mouth and nose to reduce the speed of the breath stream and the saliva and mucus droplets sputum. Visors may only directly on the disc impinging droplet interception.

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“The use of visors may be considered, therefore, our opinion, as an equivalent Alternative to the MNB (the mouth, nose and coverage),” says the Robert Koch Institute on its Homepage.
And also the SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach expressed on Twitter his opinion, to the Face Shields. In the case of aerosol transmissions, so suspended particles in the air, bring Face Shields “as good as nothing,” he wrote. In cafes, for example, if the operation is wearing a Face Shield, guide this the aerosols may have “targeted on the cake and the guests”.
Sources: Robert Koch Institute “Ökotest”, Twitter / Karl Lauterbach
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