Mental health on the Job: What to do?

The days of absence due to mental Stöarrangements have been rising for years. At the same time to a few employers of their Pr&auml come;conventional duty to

Always faster, always more: Occupational Stress can contribute to mental illness

Seventeen Billion Euro. So much money is the German economy in 2015 by the rag &ndash gone; due to ill health ­due to mental Suffering. Solely on the basis of these Figures, mübiggest Arbeit­donors will be keen for their employees möstress as far as possible to offer free environment. According to a Chung, the Hans-Böckler-Foundation of the German trade Union Confederation, however, seems to be the opposite of the case.

Time pressure and high Arbeitsintensität are widely used

The occupational safety and health law obliges all companies, your Arbeitsplätze on möto investigate possible health hazards and to minimize the corresponding risks. Since 2013, müyou must also mental stress berüto be taken into account. 2016 veröpublished the economic and Sozialwissenschaft­Institute (WSI) of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung in the Report "Work and health in the betrieb­of Kontext", what Betriebsräte on this subject say.

Üabout three-quarters of the 2,000 respondents stated that they represent in the workforce under massive time pressure and high Arbeitsintensi­tät suffers, resulting in health problems. But in only a quarter of the farms Arbeitspl&auml were;tze üin General, mental Gefährdungen geprüft and Gegenmaßtaken. Especially in small and mittelstäfor foreign companies there is pent-up demand.

More and more days of absence due to mental Stöbrackets

The number of days of absence rising due to mental and Verhaltensstösince a decade, continuously – when größten German insurer AOK with üabout 12 million members by almost 80 percent.

Although the cause of mental Suffering, so far only 11 per cent of all sickness absence days and occupy space four. However, in the sectors of education, health and social services, mental diseases were the main cause of Arbeitsunfäability to – before Rü­cken­pain and Erkältungen.

Lälonger Ausfälle in the case of mental illness

Auffädigits, especially, mental problems the workers to lälonger time-outs to force as köphysical complaints. As the AOK Report points out, were written to the Affected more than twice as long in sick as with any other disease – and the branchenümountain ripened. Almost the Hähalf of all Frühverrentungen is now on the account of mental Stöimpairments such as depression.

"Today &uuml can;about these diseases more open spoken as früher", Professor Dirk Windemuth says. The psychologist directs the Institute für work and health of the German Statutory accident insurance, and research to psychological stress in the profession. According to him, mental Suffering h&auml be;single-stage diagnosed, and a total of not be but affected more people. "Unlike früago recognize Äthe complaints of doctors better and not just treat köphysical Begleiterscheinungen", erklärt Julia Scharnhorst, head of the section of health psychology in the professional Association of German psychologists.

Often several causes come together

However, the extent to which the professional life f&uuml is;r mental illnesses is responsible – and in order to operate in the duty, to counteract them? "Poor working conditions are not the only mödaily Ursache", Windemuth says. What is important is the individual Combination of work and private Stress as well as pers&ouml was;personal predisposition.

The experts from the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung appeal to the responsibility of the employer. Dünnere personnel ceiling, rising flood of information, größEUA Verfüavailability – the results of flexibility and digitalisation in many companies, new performance requirements to employees. This köcould to steady work of compaction and the complex psycho-social stress führen, says Dr. Elke Ahlers. In plain text hieße: always faster, always more,  thus, the social scientist, the questioning of the Betriebsräte has passed.   

Experts see großen need for advice für company

According to the law, müshot employer prüfen, the extent to which working and operating conditions, the employee’s burden köcould. Employees h&auml are;often under time pressure? Müyou need a lot of Überstunden? A certain room for manoeuvre exists to make the working day even? You get Rüfeedback and recognition from your superiors? There are clear boundaries between work and private life? If necessary, müthe company shot Maßtook take to the Situation your staff to ächange.

"From our point of view the topic is accepted mental health in many companies, not &ndash negated; however, so far, in the minority aufgegriffen&quot active;, Dr. Anette choice says-Wake village, VizepräPresident of the Association of German operations and Werksädoctors. Here is a lot of advice and Aufkl&auml be;to make innovation work. Marc Tenbieg, geschäftsfüa leading Board of the German Mittelstand Association, said: "Many of the smaller and mittelstäforeign companies, for example, the advice and assistance of the health insurance funds either are unknown, or they do not realize the specific Benefit to them."

Trades supervisors not to punish businesses

Für the experts from the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, is the lack of sanctioning is a Problem. The control of the Maßtook is the responsibility of the commercial regulators of the Lä. The coming of this task, but not after. In the survey Betriebsr&auml called;te moreover, these causes are: lack of Know-how, unclear Zuständigkeiten and a low Priorität of the health theme, the fear of high costs. A total of wüauthorities Gefärisk assessments für-consuming and difficult.

Arbeitgeberverbände emphasize natüof course, that the company, the issue of &ndash sun in the heart; from organizational and financial Grü. Marc Tenbieg: "Especially in small and mittelstäforeign Establishments may a Person, the ausfällt, in General, not so fast. Of therefore immediately recognizable mental illnesses in particular are not always a großit is a risk."

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