Hyalomma tick overwinters in Germany

You are twice to three times as large as their European Relatives and can transmit diseases such as tick typhus: the Hyalomma tick, which has been sighted in the past year, for the first time in Germany a large number of them, has evidently wintered in this country. In the past few days, were found in two locations six copies of the tropical tick.

Five ticks of the genus Hyalomma were found on a horse farm in North Rhine-Westphalia, and on a horse in lower Saxony. Because the animals were found relatively early in the year, is Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt, University of Hohenheim, that they have wintered in Germany: "If one back-calculates the development cycle, you would not have to drag a time to be, as the birds were still there."

The fact that the animals have hibernated, not to say, however, that you are here at home or. "I would have to find both males and females. This is at low population size difficult. In addition to developing larvae and nymphs, the birds or hares as a host need. Whether and how this works here, we don’t yet know. We need to beobachten&quot more;, so Mackenstedt.

There are two Hyalomma species, originating from Africa, Asia and southern Europe. They have striped legs and are considerably larger than that of the domestic wood tick (aponet.de reported). In Central and Northern Europe, they were not at home, but once in a while of migratory birds brought it in.

The ticks are potential Vectors for the spotted fever pathogens and viruses that cause hemorrhagic fever. The first stages of development, the larvae and nymphs, suck mammals, especially the blood of birds and small, the adult ticks tend to large animals. Humans can also serve as a host.


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