Hope for millions of headache patients? The test for Anti-migraine-syringe says

The attack is announced, often with a jitter: In the field of view of the patients flashes of light that flicker or spots appear. “Aura” is the name of this phenomenon, the one in ten migraine-suffering Patient. Then it comes to the actual migraine attack Sufferers complain of pulsating, throbbing headache, Nausea and sensitive to light, noise, or noises. Migraine is a widespread disease. About 10 to 15 percent of people in Germany suffer the pain of the return.

For them, there is now a new drug to prevent attacks: the “migraine-filled syringe”. She’s since November in German pharmacies available, and relies on a new therapy principle: The antibody Erenumab in the spray solutions blocks a Receptor that is involved in the pathogenesis of migraine. In General, be administered to patients every four weeks. Future attacks are to be prevented. However, how effective the sprayer is really?

Stiftung Warentest judges “Anti-migraine-syringe”

Stiftung Warentest has taken the medium in the current issue of closer under the microscope and the Study are examined. The conclusion of the Tester is first of all positive, even if there are still open questions regarding the long-term use. The antibody proved to be in pivotal trials as a well-tolerated problems, however, could be noticed only in long-term applications in many patients, explains test. In principle, the effect of the syringe is occupied, even if limited.

“The new funds act, when in the borders”, – stated in the current Test output. In comparison to a Placebo – a dummy treatment with no active ingredient – could the migraine attacks on average Erenumab decrease by about one to three days per month. Basically, the success corresponds to other prescription preventive agents, judges were test. These include beta-blockers, or botulinum toxin.

Patients should first check whether you can get the attacks-prescription drugs in the handle, advises. In a next step, the doctor could prescribe stronger medications.

“For the most serious cases”

“The syringe in the case of frequent, serious attacks, and when several other failure preventive means”, – stated in the current Test output. But even in this group of patients, only about 30 percent of patients seem to “benefit significantly”. Patients should discuss with their doctor whether the drug for you. To consider the outstanding issues relating to the long-term impact.

Currently, several pharmaceutical research companies to the principle of preventive spraying. In German pharmacies, there are currently to buy a product: Aimovig with the antibody Erenumab. Soon, a second drug could be added: Emgality with the active ingredient Galcanezumab. The European medicines Agency recommended the authorisation.

A healthy lifestyle is important

Migraine Sufferers should not rely solely on the effect of drugs. Attacks can, for example, with a healthy lifestyle and a regular daily routine to prevent. Some patients, relaxation exercises, Yoga, or moderate endurance sports help. It is also helpful to search for the known trigger factors and to avoid them consistently.


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