Daily nuts for a better sex life

A Spanish nutrition study came to the conclusion that the regular consumption of nuts men and improved sexual function: Not only sperm quality, but also your sexual Desire and orgasm quality increased.

Scientists from Tarragona in Spain have found that the consumption of 60 grams of walnuts per day improved sexual function in men. In the framework of the FERTINUTS project, in which the effects of regular consumption of nuts on semen quality have been investigated, have been looking the researchers also targeted to the effects on sexual function. 83 people with a Western diet were divided into two groups, one of which is an additional 14 weeks of 60 grams of walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds ate. In interviews, participants from the &quot described;Nut-Gruppe", your sexual Desire and orgasm quality improved had.

Previously, the same research group had shown that walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds improved sperm quality. Now they were able to prove that the sexual function of the men improved. The researchers suggest that further studies with more participants are necessary to confirm these results and to determine how the positive effects occur.

It is estimated that about 2 percent of men under 40 years of age, 52 percent of middle-aged men and more than 85 per cent of men over 80 years of age on erectile and sexual dysfunctions are suffering. Risk factors for such dysfunction are Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, Stress and an unhealthy diet.