Even adults get measles, whooping cough or chicken pox. Why it often encounters a particularly violent and the Refresh of vaccination is worth it
Because of "Kinderkrankheiten": Adults are diagnosed as measles or whooping cough
The Problem with the teething starts with the name. Children’s diseases? Adults fühä feel as;ufig not &ndash addressed; a Missverstäunderstanding. "Children’s diseases are often highly contagious and heißen, because people usually already in childhood treffen", Professor Christoph Lü says;bbert, head of the Department of infection and tropical medicine at the University hospital of Leipzig and member of the management Board of the German society für Infektiologie (DGI). But in the last few years, experts observe that Fäcases of whooping cough or measles in adults is on the increase.
Always öfter ill adults
In the past year, 919 Masernfä were up in the middle of December;lle is registered, a third of the patients was üabout 20 years old. In the case of whooping cough, more than Hähalf of the Affected adults. "As this disease shows with us, no longer meets the term childhood disease is simply zu", Dr. Anette Siedler of the Department of infection epidemiology and Impfprä says;prevention of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin.
Gefüare afraid of this new "Erwachsenenkrankheiten" because of the möpossible complications. If, for example, to infection by a Virus or bacteria, the so-called Superto cause infection. Or if a lung or a Hirnhautentzü- making developed. Just measles meeting äolder patients often very much heavier than children.
Große Impflücover the measles, Röstuffs and whooping cough
Many of these Krankheitsfälle wäto prevent ren – through vaccinations. However, not all age groups are well geschützt. 2015, while 95 percent of the ErstkläSS-men in Germany against whooping cough, Tetanus, or Kinderlähmung vaccinated. "In the case of the Ädeveloped there are, however, part erhebavailable Impflücken", erklärt settlers.
This is also confirmed by Figures from the study on the health of adults in Germany from 2013. Not even the Hähalf of the people über 30 is thus sufficiently against measles or Röstuffs vaccinated, only one in Ten against whooping cough. The Stäthe full Committee on vaccination, STIKO shortly, rät therefore, all vaccination, born after 1970 and not sure whether you in your Childhood nö, ;clear vaccinations.
Vaccinations: protection für Pregnant women and babies
Against measles schüsupports a multi-vaccination, the other two mödaily Impflücover schließt: Röstuffs and Mumps. "Can also be used to prevent Pregnant at the Röstuffs erkranken", settlers from the RKI says. Because the Virus to the unborn child gefährdet, should women in the gebärfäof working age pay attention to a vollstäto have complete protection. Dafür is a two-time vaccination nötig.
Another childhood disease, which has developed into a multi-generation problem is the whooping cough. Although there is a vaccination, but it is only für babies admitted from the third month of life. For example, parents or Groß suffer until then;parents can be a contagion für have the Smallest dramatic consequences. "In Säuglingen the cough life-threatening werden", infection expert Lü says;bbert. The STIKO recommends that adults therefore a booster vaccination.
Against chickenpox should only certain adults to vaccinate &ndash let; if you are still not geschüare tzt. About people with severe eczema or women with a desire to have children. But not against every infection, the children kö snapping;can, gives it a vaccination. Many parents are täresembled it &ndash reminds; for example, if a note on the Kindergartentüre hängt "We have Hand-to-mouth Fuß!" or "Warning: Stomach-Intestine!".
The child’s immune system learns with each infection to
The mostly harmless infections are für health development. "The child’s immune system is still naive, it has yet to be seen, no bacteria and viruses, and you little entgegenzusetzen", Professor Tim Niehues, chief physician of the Zen­ says;strand füchildren – and youth medicine of the Klinikum Krefeld, Germany.
The ächanges when the young discovered the world. Spätesting in the crib or in the nursery teeming of pathogens – an intensive course für the defense. "The immune system of the children looks, reacts, sometimes more and sometimes less intensively, and learn with each infection dazu", erklärt immunologist Niehues.
Small children sometimes are more contagious than adults
Toddlers and young children infected sometimes the whole family, hängt also with the learning process of the immune system. To your Köthe body of the fitting has immune found the answer, it is something läVikings take. "The children köcan then be more contagious than adults Patienten", Niehues says.
Yet not every ill, of the contact with a small "Virenschleuder" has, thanks adults your experienced immune system. Grab a parent or Großparents but then an infection on, you may have to do in order that your defense is already something out of the Übung is. In contrast, länot sst do unfortunately, a lot of. Außhe, the Small früh ans Händewaschen to gewöstand up. And sick children prefer to be not on the mouth to kü.
So vaccinations can refresh and Impflücover schließen
- Documentation: Is recorded the vaccination status in the yellow vaccination card. Each immunization is with the signature and stamp of the doctor, the vaccine used documented usually.
- Replacement: The passport is nowhere to be found? Who has a house doctor, you will be able to frümore vaccination questions. Important: What was not documented by the physician, usually as a non-durchgeführt. The STIKO rät in this case, the doses.
- Tetanus and diphtheria: Adults should repeat the vaccination every ten years.
- Whooping cough: Here are the Auf­ is;the refining is especially important, because a life-long Immunität after disease or vaccination. It combination vaccines are used. They act against Tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough at the same time. The so-called four vaccines also contain Antiköbody against Kinderlähmung (Polio).
- Measles: Who was born after 1970 and only one or no evidence in the vaccination card has, should schüsupport. The üalleged triple vaccine schüprotects against measles, Mumps and Röstuffs, that is why the Name MMR vaccination.
- Pneumococcal: After the age of 60. Birthday, it is recommended to have a vaccination against the pathogen. You lösen, among others, Lungenentzümaking from. In the case of immune defects every six years, to refresh.
- Flu: People aged 60 years and chronically ill is a jäannual vaccination is recommended.
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