You're Probably Not Cleaning These Body Parts Correctly

Quick showers are an easy way to reduce the amount of water you use, but jumping in and out on a regular basis might mean you’ve missed a spot.

Here are five body parts that tend to get over looked.

Belly button:

Bellybuttons house a range of different bacteria. In a 2011 study, scientists discovered over 1,400 different bacterial strains in the navels of 95 volunteers. This is one spot you don’t want to miss. 


Washing your hands is common sense, but how much time do you spend cleaning your fingernails?

The bottom of your feet:

Merely coming into contact with water isn’t enough to clean your feet. Podiatrist and author of My Feet Are Killing Me advised the Huffington Post to soak feet twice a week in a bath or bowl of Epsom salts. Don’t forget to clean your heels with a scrubber too. 

Behind your ears:

Out of sight out of mind, behind your hears can often be overlooked. Another forgotten spot is the outer crevices of your ears. Take an extra minute while in the shower to clean the area.

The spot on your back in between the shoulder blades

This hard-to-reach spot it often missed, mainly because it’s tricky to scrub. Use a long loofah to clean the area.

This article originally appeared on Better Homes And Gardens.

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