The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. Already, more than 6.9 million people globally have become infected with the pathogen of Sars-CoV-2 – 184.294 of them in Germany. 400,000 people have already died of Covid-19.
Former professional football to coughs police: "I Covid!"
A former English professional football sits in Scotland, in custody after he coughs a police officer and offended. The British broadcaster BBC reported. The former U20 national team player James Hurst, the used to, among other things, at West Bromwich Albion under contract, had called the police, therefore, in April itself because of an alleged Case of domestic violence. When the officers discovered that there was already a warrant of arrest against Hurst, the 28-Year-old, according to the report, aggressive.
The Association is a loose defender, who played until January, in the seventh League in Hedensford Town, berated the officials as "Scottish Sklaven". In addition, he claimed to be the Coronavirus infected, and threatened, you anzuhusten and spit on, which he eventually did. Court Hurst, who had previously been noticed due to driving a car under the influence of alcohol acknowledged his outburst. A judgement is expected at the end of the month.
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ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what does this mean for savers
In FOCUS ECB: First comes the Inflation, then a new monetary order – what is the for saver is i