Dr Zoe shares how power naps can help lower high blood pressure – ‘Really good for you’

This Morning: Dr Zoe describes benefits of napping

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High blood pressure details the long-term force of blood against your artery walls that is high enough to cause health problems. These can vary from heart attacks to strokes – both considered serious medical emergencies. That’s why it’s important to keep your levels in check to avoid further problems.

From mental health to memory, “there are lots of benefits other than feeling less sleepy”, Dr Zoe shared on ITV’s This Morning.

She continued: “People who nap tend to feel slightly higher in mood and react less to stress and anxiety.

“If you’ve got a big public event coming up, you’re public speaking…having a nap beforehand can make you feel less anxious.”

However, these are not all the benefits of napping as physical health could be also aided by dozing off during the day.

The doctor explained that having a nap “lowers” blood pressure and heart rate.

While diet and exercise are the obvious helpers when it comes to lowering your hypertension levels, naps are also research-backed.

A study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 68th Annual Scientific Session shared that people who enjoyed a midday snooze were “more likely to have a noticeable drop in blood pressure” compared with those who didn’t nap.

The study reported that naps were “associated” with an average 5 millimetres of mercury (mmHg) drop in blood pressure.

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