Already at the age of ten, she had the body of an old woman – now, the Progeria sufferer Hayley Okines died. Since Childhood, the girl made her illness had caused it to prematurely age, known to the Public. She was 17 years old.
- With 17 years in the body of an old woman
- Life expectancy is only 13 years
- Signs of aging such as hair loss or joint diseases
Progeria is an extremely rare disease that makes the body of a child eight Times as fast aging as normal. According to the "Progeria Research Foundation" there are 124 cases – probably the best known representative of the British Hayley Okines was. Well, she died with 17 years in the body of an old woman, as the British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported. Since she was a child, Hayley, your illness through talk show appearances, documentaries, and books.
Your body has been through
The information in accordance with the life expectancy of Progeria children is only 13 years of age. Already at the age of ten signs of aging such as hair loss, and joint and heart disease. Hayley Okines was able to exceed the forecasts for life expectancy far – also thanks to novel medicines that were developed in the USA for her and other Progeria cases. Still haven’t joined in at the end of your body. After a long clinic, she stays at home died.
A biography at the age of 17
In her short life the girl had appearances on countless talk shows, was the subject of several documentaries and published and, finally, even a biography. On Thursday, her mother wrote on Facebook: "My darling is gone to a better place. She did in my arms your last breath." The "Progeria Research Foundation", the world’s sick children accompanied, adopted by Hayley on her Facebook page.