Fruit is healthy – but the same does not apply necessarily for ready-made fruit salads from supermarkets, discount stores and
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Disabled girl gets 500,000 euros for Pain and suffering
For malpractice at the time of his birth a since then, the severely handicapped child gets 500,000 euros for Pain
Continue reading »Newborns’ genomes shouldn’t be tested for adult-onset conditions
In the last decade, genome sequencing has provided many people with a wealth of information about risks for certain diseases.
Continue reading »Is Depression Genetic? Here’s What Experts Have to Say
If your parent or sibling had depression, maybe you're worried you'll get it too. Or perhaps you're concerned that because you had
Continue reading »Behind the abbreviations in the blood picture
LDL, GPT and RBC – what sounds like something out of a famous Hip-Hop Song, are common abbreviations from a
Continue reading »“My son only weighed as much as a milk carton”
Monstrously mangled corpses, axe murderer and psychopath – with his thrillers and shocked Sebastian Fitzek million people. In his private
Continue reading »Discontinuation of acid blockers: What’s behind the Rebound phenomenon?
Pantoprazole or omeprazole are drugs that cause the stomach makes less acid. So you can inflammation to relieve discomfort triggered
Continue reading »Sleep disorders due to blue light in LED Displays?
The sleep-Wake rhythm depends heavily on the Light-Dark change. Normally the internal body clock that the body at night, Melatonin
Continue reading »Jaundice: this is Why many liver ill get yellow eyes
In the case of a jaundice of skin, eyes and mucous membranes take on a yellow color. Physicians also speak
Continue reading »Health Is A State Of Mind?
I just have to think positively and to make my Arthritis or my flu? For this question, neuroscientist Manfred Schedlowski
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