Stents are expandable tubes that are used to treat patients with damaged or narrowed arteries. Since the 1970s, the optimum
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Stents are expandable tubes that are used to treat patients with damaged or narrowed arteries. Since the 1970s, the optimum
Continue reading »The exact cause of psoriasis is not well understood, but it is generally accepted that there are a number of
Continue reading »Threadworms are small, parasitic worms that infect the human intestine. Also called pinworms, the worms are white and resemble pieces
Continue reading »Neuroblastoma is classified using cancer staging, which is a process that determines how far a cancer has spread. Staging helps
Continue reading »Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of joint disease. This chronic, degenerative disorder results from the biochemical breakdown of
Continue reading »Parkinson’s disease is primarily treated using medications. Medicines may be used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. These medicines
Continue reading »Gestational diabetes does not always give rise to symptoms and all pregnant women are therefore routinely screened to check their
Continue reading »Tay-Sachs disease (abbreviated TSD, also known as GM2 gangliosidosis or Hexosaminidase A deficiency) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. In
Continue reading »Skip to: What is hippocampus? What are the functions of hippocampus? Hippocampus and memory Hippocampus and learning Hippocampus and spatial
Continue reading »Stomach ache is the term used to describe cramps or a dull ache in the abdomen. Usually, stomach ache is
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