Traditionally, frailty is thought to be a syndrome of the elderly—one which comes as a natural and inevitable side-effect of
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Money matters: Couples who regularly talk about money are happier
(HealthDay)—Money can’t buy you love, but it can come between you and your spouse if you don’t have open conversations
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Dermatologist Crystal Aguh studies lifestyle factors affecting hair loss in ethnic populations—an area where most dermatologists fear to tread. She
Continue reading »Deadly Rift Valley fever: New insight, and hope for the future
Health control measures alone could be ineffective in the long term fight against the deadly Rift Valley fever which affects
Continue reading »Basal insulin analogues similar for glucose lowering
(HealthDay)—Basal insulin analogues for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) do not substantially differ in their glucose-lowering effect, according to a
Continue reading »The roles of RNA-RNA interactions
Chronic regeneration of damaged endothelial cells at sites of disturbed blood flow in the vasculature promotes the development of atherosclerosis.
Continue reading »Neural inflammation plays critical role in stress-induced depression
A group of Japanese researchers has discovered that neural inflammation caused by the innate immune system plays an unexpectedly important
Continue reading »Lowering hospitals’ Medicare costs proves difficult
A payment system that provides financial incentives for hospitals that reduce health-care costs for Medicare patients did not lower costs
Continue reading »A bad mood may help your brain with everyday tasks
New research found that being in a bad mood can help some people’s executive functioning, such as their ability to
Continue reading »CT scans may increase the risk of brain cancer
A new study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests that CT scans, commonly used in medical imaging,
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