Doing This Each Day Will Up Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Looking to start a family? Consider this a step in the right direction.

Scientists have found the key to helping women with a history of miscarriages conceive successfully. And (refreshingly,) it seems pretty straightforward: 


Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, analysed 1,214 women between the ages of 18 and 40, who had all experienced the loss of one or two pregnancies in the past. They asked them to partake in all different kinds of physical activity whilst trying to conceive.

They found that the fecundability (aka, the likelihood of conceiving in a single menstrual cycle) varied from person to person depending on their BMI. For those women who were overweight or obese, a 10-minute stroll was all that was needed to boost their success rate by 82 per cent.

And for those with a healthy BMI? Four hours vigorous activity per week led to a 69 per cent increase. 

“Lifestyle is definitely relevant to these outcomes because it can have an effect at the molecular level,” explained the study’s co-author professor Brian Whitcomb. 

“What we eat and wheat we do are potential factors we can change to shape our health.” 

“This is especially true for the results about walking for even limited blocks of time,” he added. “Walking has great potential as a lifestyle change because of its low cost and availability.”

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