Missouri State Professor Is Looking For Thousands Of Penis Photos, And It’s All For Science

Alicia Walker’s study seeks to find out the relationship between a man’s penis size and his physical and mental health, among other factors.

Missouri State University assistant professor of sociology Alicia Walker has a reason for asking men to send photos of their penis, and it’s all part of the methodology she will be using in an upcoming study.

As documented by the Springfield News-Leader, Walker has heard more than her share of juvenile jibes directed toward her research and her unusual request. But the photos she will be using for her study have a very important purpose within it, and that’s to determine whether a man’s happiness is related to the size of his penis, or the size he perceives it to be. Specifically, Walker wants to find out whether the actual or perceived size of a man’s sexual organ is related to his overall physical and mental health, self-esteem, ability to interact, sexual activity, and tendency to use a condom during intercourse.

All in all, Walker is looking for at least 3,600 men “from outside the Ozarks” and aged 22 years old and above to upload their penis photos and answer an online questionnaire. These photos, she added, will be needed to ensure that the participants are following the instructions to the letter, and accurately providing the size of their penis while limp and while erect. The instructions include using the so-called “bone press” technique, which entails measuring the penis from its tip to the pubic bone.

“These are not sexy pictures. These are clinical pictures,” Walker stressed.

Walker’s methodologies also include the use of an online portal to recruit interested men, as well as visits to hospitals and nightclub to see if anyone is of the right age and willing to take part in the research. However, she emphasized that she doesn’t want to recruit anyone from her home state, as she doesn’t want people she knows to feel pressured to take part in her research.

“We are not recruiting locally. I don’t want there to be anything dicey. You don’t want there to be anything awkward.”

Walker also shared some of her initial observations in her interview with the Springfield News-Leader, noting that it wasn’t uncommon for men to be too modest when disclosing the size of their penis, saying that their member is smaller than average when it may be closer to average. She believes that these individuals are likely to be less confident about getting involved in relationships, using condoms, entering into a relationship, or even visiting the doctor for a check-up.

With her place of work having issued a statement describing her research as legitimate and valid, Alicia Walker made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that her study is not something to be laughed at, despite the numerous crude comments she had gotten about her scientific request for penis pictures. In fact, she said that having a poor opinion of one’s size could be a trigger for a number of conditions, including depression.

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