Woman has leg amputated after knee pain turns out to be rare cancer

A 29-year-old from Glasgow was shocked to discover her chronic knee pain was actually a rare cancer. 

Rebekah Laverty suffered with debilitating knee trouble for years and was told in 2019 that she was suffering from an inflammatory condition called bursitis, which causes painful swelling.

However, after years of unsuccessful treatments an MRI finally revealed she actually had a 13cm cancerous tumour above her right knee.

‘The type of cancer I have is usually found in the arms, legs or near joints such as the wrist or ankle but it’s so rare I’ve been told a GP will maybe see one case in their whole career – so mine wasn’t picked up,’ she explains.

‘My referrals were also delayed due to Covid. It took until September 2021 for me to be referred for an MRI and get some answers.

‘I received the news that I had this cancer at an appointment that I went to on my own. By then I’d been to countless appointments with no answers so I had no faith that this time would be any different.

‘I called my partner in shock and I was sent to the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre the same day to discuss my treatment.

‘They were fantastic. From the moment of my diagnosis I was looked after.’

A biopsy confirmed that Rebekah had synovial sarcoma – a rare cancer that occurs in soft tissue, such as a muscle or ligaments.

The 29-year-old was told she needed three to four rounds of chemotherapy and 25 rounds of radiotherapy. She also decided to freeze her eggs to protect her fertility, ahead of treatment.

‘Each chemo round lasted for four days and I had to stay over in hospital each time,’ she continues.

‘I was violently sick, I needed blood transfusions and I lost all my hair.

‘Thankfully I never had any side effects from radiotherapy other than redness on the area being treated.’

Following these treatments, Rebekah was given three surgical options to choose from: two of which would save her leg and the third was amputation.

After much deliberation, she decided to go for the latter.

‘It was the hardest decision for me to make,’ Rebekah adds.

‘I knew I was going to go from an able-bodied person to a disabled person overnight.

‘But I also knew amputation was the best solution to give me the best chance possible.

‘Throughout those years of having attempts to drain what they thought was fluid on my leg, and having multiple injections into the knee area, I was told this could have moved any cancer cells therefore another tumour could develop over time if I was to save my leg.

‘That would have been a constant worry.’

Now Rebekah is recovering from her surgery with weekly physio appointments, and uses a zimmer frame or wheelchair to get around.

‘The first few days after having my leg amputated I could still feel the lower part of my leg and could “move my toes” and felt like I had an “itchy” foot,’ she adds.

‘As time has gone on this has reduced and it only happens occasionally but I have constant pins and needles and throbbing pains that happen all day and all night.

‘It’s a work in progress to try and find the correct medication which works for me, which we are still working on.’

She’s also currently raising money for a £90,000 microprocessor mechanical leg to get back on two feet – and hopes to achieve this by her 30th birthday next year.

Rebekah says: ‘At the moment I am very reliant on my family and I can’t get upstairs or drive myself.

‘Eventually I want to live life with no limitations – how I was when I still had my leg.

‘The type of prosthetic I’d like should have almost every function of a human leg.

‘I’m hoping my partner and I can look forward to a nice holiday to relax for my 30th next year and by then I’d like to be up on two legs and getting on with life.

‘That’s my target.’

She’s launched a GoFundMe for her bionic leg, with the aim of raising £8,000 towards it. 

Rebekah is also sharing her journey over on her Instagram (@fighting_synovial_sarcoma) and hopes to raise awareness of soft tissue cancer.

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